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Nurturing Youth Mental Health: Self-Care Tips for a Resilient New Year

youth mental health

As we stand on the cusp of a new year, Western Youth Services extends warm wishes for a year filled with growth, resilience, and, above all, positive mental well-being. The journey into the New Year provides an excellent opportunity to prioritize youth mental health. In this blog post, we’ll explore essential self-care tips tailored for […]

Mental Health Awareness in Action

Mental Health Awareness in Action Mental health awareness and education are paramount to our daily work. Throughout the pandemic, two things kept rising to the top (1) mindfulness and (2) people want to learn more about mental health. This article includes some of the mindfulness techniques that we use with our clients, in our programs, […]

The Heartbeat Goes On

The Heartbeat Goes On Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is impacting all of our lives. Stress, fear, and anxiety are heightened; we want you to know that help is available and you are not alone. Western Youth Services (WYS) has been part of the heartbeat of the Orange County, California community since 1972 and we are here […]