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Quietly Making an Impact

We love to share stories about our staff, leadership, interns and our Board of Directors, but we are truly inspired by our volunteers and would like to share the story of one of our AmeriCorps volunteers, Brian McInerney, who is serving Western Youth Services this year and is quietly making an impact. Click here to tweet… […]

Invisible Barriers Hold Kids Back

  Invisible Barriers Hold Kids Back At Western Youth Services (WYS), we often talk about mental illness is an invisible barrier to success. Mental and behavioral health concerns are often the result of a child who has had one or more adverse experiences or trauma. The signs of trauma are not always visible, no bruises, […]

Mental Health Issues Are Real, Even For Kids

Mental Health Issues Are Real, Even For Kids One in five children, nearly 15 million nationally, face mental health issues. In Orange County alone, mental illness affects 150,000 kids. Warning signs such as changes in eating or sleeping habits, self-doubt, anxiety, depression or emotional issues at school are often overlooked or misdiagnosed. Thanks to the […]