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How Teachers Can Improve Youth Mental Health and Well-Being

How Teachers Can Improve Youth Mental Health and Well-Being Teachers and school administration are well positioned to identify students that exhibit early warning signs of an emerging mental health condition. Educators make a significant and lasting difference in the lives of these children. Empathy, active listening, and kindness are all important for maintaining a mentally healthy […]

9 Ways to Strengthen Resiliency and Prevent Instances of Mental Illness in Youth

9 Ways to Strengthen Resiliency and Prevent Instances of Mental Illness There are certain factors, including Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) like abuse, neglect and family dysfunction that increase the likelihood of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). As we have witnessed and experienced, these childhood adversities can have a […]

Teenage Anxiety a Rapidly Growing Mental Health Concern

Teenage Anxiety a Rapidly Growing Mental Health Concern A recent article in the NY Times titled: Why Are More American Teenagers Than Ever Suffering From Severe Anxiety? sheds light on how anxiety is the most common mental-health disorder affecting nearly one-third of both adolescents and adults, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. “Anxiety is […]

Teachers are Mental Health Champions

Teachers are Mental Health Champions Mental health is perhaps one of the most important yet severely overlooked obstacles to children’s ability to learn. For children and teens, signs of mental illness often manifest first in their performance and behavior at school. Teachers may observe a student’s difficulty concentrating, chronic absence, low achievement, disruptive behavior, mood […]

Create a Culture of Bullying Prevention

Create a Culture of Bullying Prevention October is Bullying Prevention Month, a good time to remember that bullying happens every day and in many different places. We all MUST keep our eyes and ears open for various types of bullying behavior and how they are impacting the young people in our lives. The first step […]

Coping with Going Back to School

Coping with Going Back to School The events leading up to the back to school season can trigger a prior adverse childhood experience. Behavioral or mental health challenges are not a “phase” or “stage” to be outgrown; for many children and teens they are very real. Trauma Experts say that these events are not singular instances […]

Mental Health Champion – Gene Lyons

Mental Health Champion – Gene Lyons “Sometimes one person can make all the difference in the life of another. One man more than any other made such a difference to me, both personally and professionally, and he positively affected the course of my life in too many ways to enumerate. That man was Eugene Michael […]

Cutting to the Core

Cutting to the Core Nonsuicidal Self-Injury or self-harm, shows up in the form of intentional self-mutilation, often cutting. According to research compiled by The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine the numbers are staggering, 15% of adolescents in the US are afflicted, and the number increases from 17% to 35% to college-aged students. […]

WYS Celebrates 45 Years

Making an Impact in the Community for 45 Years In 2017, Western Youth Services (WYS) celebrates our 45th year of service in the Orange County, CA community. We are overjoyed about this significant milestone. Not only have we survived through ups and downs both in the world and within our organization, but we have thrived. […]

It Takes a Village to Heal Mental Illness

The 21st Century Cures Act As CEO of a children’s mental health services organization, I applaud the fact that President Obama recently signed the 21st Century Cures Act, which includes Rep. Chris Murphy’s “Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act” as part of the larger health-care reform package. The bi-partisan legislation was designed to help […]