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Fostering Inclusivity: Recognizing National Minority Mental Health Month

Fostering Inclusivity: Recognizing National Minority Mental Health Month As we come together to celebrate National Minority Mental Health Month, Western Youth Services extends its unwavering support to all individuals and communities affected by mental health disparities. This annual observance provides an opportunity to acknowledge the historical and ongoing struggles faced by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and […]

Honoring Juneteenth: Celebrating Freedom, Resilience, and Equality

Honoring Juneteenth: Celebrating Freedom, Resilience, and Equality Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day, holds profound historical significance as a celebration of freedom and equality. On June 19, 1865, enslaved African Americans in Galveston, Texas, were finally informed of their emancipation, marking the end of slavery in the United States. In this blog […]

Mental Health Awareness in Action

Mental Health Awareness in Action Mental health awareness and education are paramount to our daily work. Throughout the pandemic, two things kept rising to the top (1) mindfulness and (2) people want to learn more about mental health. This article includes some of the mindfulness techniques that we use with our clients, in our programs, […]

The Heartbeat Goes On

The Heartbeat Goes On Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is impacting all of our lives. Stress, fear, and anxiety are heightened; we want you to know that help is available and you are not alone. Western Youth Services (WYS) has been part of the heartbeat of the Orange County, California community since 1972 and we are here […]

Why We Still Need To Talk About Teen Mental Health

Why We Still Need To Talk About Teen Mental Health We created our series 13 Reasons Why We MUST Talk About Teen Mental Health because when the Netflix original series, 13 Reasons Why, aired there was tremendous controversy surrounding it. The show shares the fictional story of a high school student named Hannah Baker, who […]

Hope for Teens Struggling with Depression

Hope for Teens Struggling with Depression Depression in adolescents is more than sadness or moodiness. It is a complex mental health condition that requires compassionate medical care. At Western Youth Services, we support teens and families through the complexities of living with a mental illness. What is depression? Everyone feels sad at some point in […]

How We Can Help Teens with Eating Disorders

How We Can Help Teens with Eating Disorders For adolescents, the mind and body are changing and developing dramatically. For some teens, the social attention of peers is exciting and fun, as they develop their own identities. It can also be a tumultuous transition for some teens that struggle with mental health issues such as […]

Resilience: an Antidote to Embarrassment and Shame

Resilience: an Antidote to Embarrassment and Shame Many emotions occur as teens are developing their sense of self and finding their confidence; some struggle with embarrassment and shame. Research notes that it is during this time of life that our propensity to compare ourselves to others, self-reflect and feel sensitivity toward other people’s opinions is […]

Understanding Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Understanding Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse High school is an exciting time filled with new experiences. Adolescents are hardwired to take risks and try out “adult” behaviors. It makes sense that almost 70 percent of high school seniors have tried alcohol, and 50 percent have taken an illegal drug such as marijuana. There is a […]

Understanding Teen Loneliness and Social Isolation

Understanding Teen Loneliness and Social Isolation One of the joys and horrors for adolescents is navigating the many transitions they experience in a very short period of time. There are transitions and changes to educational environments we can all remember, such as moving from middle school to high school and then on to college or […]