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Understanding Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Understanding Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse High school is an exciting time filled with new experiences. Adolescents are hardwired to take risks and try out “adult” behaviors. It makes sense that almost 70 percent of high school seniors have tried alcohol, and 50 percent have taken an illegal drug such as marijuana. There is a […]

Understanding Teen Loneliness and Social Isolation

Understanding Teen Loneliness and Social Isolation One of the joys and horrors for adolescents is navigating the many transitions they experience in a very short period of time. There are transitions and changes to educational environments we can all remember, such as moving from middle school to high school and then on to college or […]

Teenage Anxiety a Rapidly Growing Mental Health Concern

Teenage Anxiety a Rapidly Growing Mental Health Concern A recent article in the NY Times titled: Why Are More American Teenagers Than Ever Suffering From Severe Anxiety? sheds light on how anxiety is the most common mental-health disorder affecting nearly one-third of both adolescents and adults, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. “Anxiety is […]

13 Reasons Why We MUST Talk About Teen Mental Health

13 Reasons Why We MUST Talk About Teen Mental Health Last year, the New York Times reported that the suicide rate in the United States had hit a 30 year high, particularly affecting adolescent girls. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for young adults ages 15-24, and reports state that most teens who […]

Take the Anxiety Out of the Back to School Season

Take the Anxiety Out of the Back to School Season As we prepare for the back to school season, we know from experience that preparation is more than school supplies and shopping. This is a stressful time for families and children, but even more so for those who experience behavioral or mental health concerns. To […]

Mental Health Issues Are Real, Even For Kids

Mental Health Issues Are Real, Even For Kids One in five children, nearly 15 million nationally, face mental health issues. In Orange County alone, mental illness affects 150,000 kids. Warning signs such as changes in eating or sleeping habits, self-doubt, anxiety, depression or emotional issues at school are often overlooked or misdiagnosed. Thanks to the […]