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Jessica came to WYS experiencing intense distress and sadness as a result of a long history of traumatic childhood experiences.  She avoided thinking or talking about the traumatic situations as well as people or places that might trigger a memory.  She struggled with feeling guilt and shame which had a negative impact on her self-confidence […]


Ten-year-old Melissa was struggling in school. She had high levels of anxiety that led to regular meltdowns, she was unable to focus on her school work, and did not want to go to school. Melissa began to see a Western Youth Services (WYS) therapist in school who learned through their discussions that Melissa’s mom, a […]


Celeste reached out to WYS when she realized that her anxiety about doing something embarrassing in public the fear of rejection from friends, turned debilitating over a six month period and these feelings were keeping her from living an active, happy life. At 19 years old, Celeste’s world should have been full of new experiences […]


When ten-year-old Fernando came to Western Youth Services, he was emotionally closed off and isolated from his family and friends. When he first came into the office he sat in the corner, hiding behind his mother and communicated only through her. He had a habit of hiding himself inside a warm sweater, even on hot […]


At 14 years old, Taylor was fighting with his mom and his siblings and was becoming known as a behavior problem at school. He was angry, verbally and physically aggressive, and his mom was terrified that things would get worse as he grew older. Knowing that they needed help as a family, Taylor and his […]

Sarah & Sam

Sarah was overwhelmed when she contacted WYS. She is the parent of Sam, an angry 17-year-old. Although Sarah knew that Sam needed help, he refused therapy and Sarah wondered what to do for him. Sarah learned that WYS could help her learn how to cope with her situation and how to be the best parent […]


Maddison came to WYS as an overwhelmed mom of three kids. Initially, she was seeking counseling for her 12-year-old son Brian who was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and autism. He was being bullied at school and started to run away from school to avoid facing his bullies. As her story started to unfold, the therapist […]


Sofia was in the 2nd grade when she came to WYS. She was very guarded and shy, she had attachment issues and it was a bit of a challenge to coax her to participate in counseling services. We utilized play therapy with Sofia. As we played games and colored some of her favorite Disney Princesses, […]


Patty's Story

Patty had an anxiety attack at school. She didn’t know what was happening but felt major pressure in her chest and anxiousness pulsing through her body. She told her school counselor about it and explained that she wanted to kill herself because she was so afraid. She met with a counselor at her school for […]


Natalie's Story

Natalie came to Western Youth Services because she was starting to get into trouble at home and at school for losing her temper and shouting at her family and friends. She wanted help but wasn’t sure what that meant. She explained that she felt a deep sadness most days and was confused about her sexual […]