Josh and Mark

Sibling rivalry, it’s as old as the family unit itself. And whether competing for toys or attention, the continual bickering, jealousy and sometimes even aggression can become disruptive and even unhealthy. Although sibling rivalry is normal, it needs addressing at escalated levels. WYS is experienced in bringing families back together. When Josh and Mark, a 6- and […]

Kinship care – a term often used when grandparents step in to raise their grandchildren – is a complex relationship with a unique set of challenges for all family members. It’s a growing phenomenon across the country, with more than 2.5 million grandparents taking on responsibility for the youth in their family, according to AARP (American Association […]

Daniel was referred to WYS after getting kicked out of preschool. His mother said she didn’t know how to parent him. Daniel was oppositional, defiant and aggressive. It was recommended that Daniel and his mother participate in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT). Daniel’s mother was skeptical and expressed that Daniel was the one that needed help […]

“You don’t look like you have mental issues.” Jeremy didn’t know how to respond. His friend was right. Jeremy looked like a typical, happy adolescent. He earned good grades, played sports and followed the rules. No one ever thought anything was wrong. That is until Jeremy made a serious suicide attempt. He just wanted to die […]

Roberto was 12 years old when his parents brought him to WYS with concerns about his escalating level of anxiety. He was easily distracted, had trouble focusing in school and at home, and when talking he was easily excited and nervous.The WYS clinician working with Roberto, began a treatment plan that included family and individual therapy with the focus […]

When ten-year-old Fernando came to Western Youth Services, he was emotionally closed off and isolated from his family and friends. When he first came into the office he sat in the corner, hiding behind his mother and communicated only through her. He had a habit of hiding himself inside a warm sweater, even on hot […]

At 14 years old, Taylor was fighting with his mom and his siblings and was becoming known as a behavior problem at school. He was angry, verbally and physically aggressive, and his mom was terrified that things would get worse as he grew older. Knowing that they needed help as a family, Taylor and his […]
Sarah & Sam

Sarah was overwhelmed when she contacted WYS. She is the parent of Sam, an angry 17-year-old. Although Sarah knew that Sam needed help, he refused therapy and Sarah wondered what to do for him. Sarah learned that WYS could help her learn how to cope with her situation and how to be the best parent […]
Mr. Patrick

One of our favorite ways to help children and teens is to work in schools and with teachers. We had the pleasure of working with a Middle School where we held all day workshops for the students. In these workshops, we focused on talking about coping skills, self-confidence, and did an activity with the kids. […]

Our story of Angel and his mom provides a unique glimpse into a family therapy session. Eleven-year-old Angel had been meeting individually with the WYS therapist to establish trust and to learn about him. The therapist asked Angel’s mom, Rosa, to schedule a special time to meet together as a family. The therapist felt there […]