Welcome to Addressing Adolescent Substance Use!
Adolescent substance use is a complex and challenging issue that affects students, schools, and communities. This training will provide you with knowledge, tools, and strategies to better understand and address substance use in your school setting. Together, we can create safer, more supportive environments for all students.
Training Objectives:
- Understand the basics of substance abuse and its impact on students.
- Learn how to recognize signs and symptoms of substance use.
- Develop strategies to create a supportive classroom environment.
- Know when and how to refer students to appropriate resources.
Let’s start by watching this video!
- Take a moment to reflect on the visual impact of the video. What stood out to you the most, and why do you think it resonated?
- How did this video make you feel? What emotions surfaced as you watched, and how do those feelings connect with your role in supporting students?
- How might these emotions inspire or shape the way you approach conversations with students about the risks of substance abuse, while also fostering understanding and trust?