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The Cost of Child Abuse

The Cost of Child Abuse April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. The Children’s Bureau of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children and Families released the 26th edition of the 2015 Child Maltreatment Report in January 2017. As a parent, mental health professional, and human being, child abuse and the lasting […]

Cutting to the Core

Cutting to the Core Nonsuicidal Self-Injury or self-harm, shows up in the form of intentional self-mutilation, often cutting. According to research compiled by The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine the numbers are staggering, 15% of adolescents in the US are afflicted, and the number increases from 17% to 35% to college-aged students. […]

It Takes a Village to Heal Mental Illness

The 21st Century Cures Act As CEO of a children’s mental health services organization, I applaud the fact that President Obama recently signed the 21st Century Cures Act, which includes Rep. Chris Murphy’s “Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act” as part of the larger health-care reform package. The bi-partisan legislation was designed to help […]

ACEs – From Adversity to Resiliency

ACEs – From Adversity to Resiliency Recently, we attended a local Rotary Club event and shared a bit of what we do at Western Youth Services (WYS). A man approached our booth and told us that his children were WYS clients 15 years ago. He said his entire life has been turned around as a […]

Have you heard of the Adverse Childhood Experiences – ACE Study?

Have you heard of the Adverse Childhood Experiences – ACE Study? Western Youth Services (WYS) has been a hub for Children’s Mental Health in Orange County, California since October 1972, treating children, youth and families facing trauma and stress. While we were aware that the study existed, it was not until we watched Dr. Nadine […]

The Trauma of Bullying

The Trauma of Bullying Western Youth Services (WYS) has worked with children and families in Orange County, California since 1972. Through the years we have witnessed the many faces of bullying and the effects of the trauma that it causes in a child’s life. Although October is National Bullying Prevention Month, we support the prevention […]

Invisible Barriers Hold Kids Back

  Invisible Barriers Hold Kids Back At Western Youth Services (WYS), we often talk about mental illness is an invisible barrier to success. Mental and behavioral health concerns are often the result of a child who has had one or more adverse experiences or trauma. The signs of trauma are not always visible, no bruises, […]

A Call to Action, NOT Arms

A Call to Action, NOT Arms Another shooting. I am devastated. This one is in my backyard. The UCLA campus. It’s my alma mater. As a person I just can’t wrap my brain around it. As a psychologist and CEO of a child and family mental health services organization, I feel an obligation to find […]