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Partnering with Elementary through High Schools to Provide Tailored, Comprehensive, On-Campus Mental Health Support

3-Tiered Approach

Comprehensive, Customizable and Fully Integrated Mental Health Support Across the Three Tiers


Prevention & Early Intervention

Foundational mental health support through on-site support, classroom workshops, SEL intervention and outreach


Targeted Intervention

Individual skill-building, case management, and skills based support groups in addition to T1 services


Intensive Intervention

Crisis intervention, individual & family therapy, and home-based parent support services in addition to T1 & T2 services

Your Investment, Our Expertise

We Bring the Proficiency of Our Entire Agency to Your School, Customizing Our Proven, Evidence-Based Methods to Your Environment. Regular Reports Keep You Up-to-Date, While Our Referrals and Navigation Services Connect You to Additional Mental Health Resources.

Customized Programs

Choose the Right Program, Achieve the Best Outcome


Training to build staff knowledge, skills, and practices. Ongoing support and collaboration to provide advice and solutions, answer questions as challenges arise

Hybrid Approach

Coaching and Consultation for staff along with on-site behavioral health specialists, access coordinators and clinicians at targeted locations to augment your mental health teams


Our onsite, fully staffed & fully-integrated mental health program addresses all mental health needs, coordinating care, leveraging partnerships, and offering proactive training


I have a lot of children who need strategies for when they have a ‘bad day’. They need strategies like quiet breathing, going to a safe place and other techniques to calm themselves down.

Upper Elementary Teacher​


It’s just the start of the school year, and I’m already noticing the sense of calm from the kiddos, which was carried over from last year after the SEL presentations. I really believe the BHIS providers’ work speaks for itself. Our teachers can’t wait to have BHIS come back for this year. They keep asking about you.

Carl Correa

One teacher came up to us after the meeting and was eager to start using the language from Second Step® and Zones of Regulation® in her classroom the following week to kick off their school-wide kindness event.

Program Staff