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Celebrating International Self-Care Day: Prioritizing Mental Health for Youth

International Self-Care Day

On July 24th, we commemorate International Self-Care Day, a global initiative focused on promoting self-care practices for physical, emotional, and mental well-being. At Western Youth Services, we recognize the crucial role that self-care plays in maintaining youth mental health and overall wellness. Let’s dive into the importance of self-care and explore some practical tips to incorporate into daily routines.

Importance of Self-Care for Youth Mental Health

Youth today face a myriad of challenges, from academic pressure to social media overload and everything in between. According to the World Health Organization, mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety are on the rise among young people, with suicide being the second leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds globally.

Self-care is essential for managing stress, building resilience, and fostering a positive mindset. When young people prioritize their well-being, they are better equipped to navigate life’s ups and downs and cope with challenges effectively. Research has shown that self-care practices can improve mood, reduce anxiety, and enhance overall mental health outcomes.

Self-Care Tips for Mental Health

  • Prioritize Sleep: Adequate sleep is crucial for cognitive function and emotional regulation. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
  • Engage in Physical Activity: Regular exercise releases endorphins, the body’s natural mood lifters. Find activities you enjoy, whether it’s walking, dancing, or playing a sport, and make movement a regular part of your routine.
  • Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, can help calm the mind and reduce stress. Take a few minutes each day to pause, breathe, and center yourself.
  • Set Boundaries: Boundaries are self-care. Learn to say no to activities or commitments that drain your energy or cause unnecessary stress. Setting boundaries is essential for preserving your mental and emotional well-being.
  • Nurture Relationships: Spend time with supportive friends and family members who uplift and encourage you. Social connections are vital for mental health and provide a sense of belonging.
  • Unplug from Technology: Take breaks from screens and digital devices to reduce sensory overload and promote relaxation. Set aside designated “tech-free” times during the day to disconnect and recharge.

As we celebrate International Self-Care Day, let’s reaffirm our commitment to prioritizing mental health and well-being. By incorporating self-care practices into our daily lives, we can nurture resilience, cultivate inner peace, and thrive amidst life’s challenges. At Western Youth Services, we encourage young people to embrace self-care as a vital component of their mental health journey.

On this International Self-Care Day remember, self-care is not selfish—it’s essential. Whether it’s carving out time for rest, engaging in activities that bring joy, or seeking support when needed, prioritize yourself and your well-being. Together, let’s make self-care a priority and empower youth to live their best lives.

If your child or a young loved one is struggling with a mental health concern, we encourage you to reach out to a mental health professional or to contact an Access Coordinator at Western Youth Services by sending an email to [email protected] or by calling us toll-free at 888-312-0406.

Orange County, State and National resources can be found on our site here:

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